Corvallis Knights Appear at Albany Little League Opening Ceremonies.
April 17, 2009Mack the Knight Throws Out First Pitch

The Corvallis Knights made an appearance at the Albany Little League opening ceremonies at West Albany High School on Saturday, April 4th. The ceremonies featured over 300 kids and parents, the introduction of all the league's teams (including the Albany Little League Knights sponsored by the Corvallis Knights), guest speaker Dan Segel and a first pitch strike by the Knights' mascot Mack the Knight.
Mack and Corvallis Knights team president Dan Segel, assistant to the president Bre Kerkvliet and intern Marisa Gorman mingled with players and parents and handed out 2009 Corvallis Knights pocket schedules. It was great fun out at West Albany High.
The Knights also donated lots of raffle prizes that were given away during the ceremonies.
Mack the Knight hung around after the ceremonies to take a team picture with the Albany Little League Knights managed by Corvallis Knights season ticket holder Tom Loveday.